In 2014 I launched a business, and although I said that's what I wanted I was surprised that it actually happened. I could say I did it, but any success I have had is because of my connection to others. My success is a direct reflection of the investment people made in me - whether clients, business partners and associates, family or friends, it is the blessing of connection that has given me the ability to walk from what was certain to what was possible.
With the dawn of 2015, connection is all the ever more important to me. So I'm going to do two things - I'm going to connect more, and I'm going to connect less. But before I invite you to join me, let me tell you what I mean.
New business owners are hungry for connections. You never know who can help your business grow and help you get the word out about what you're doing. Never mind that the person who's asked to connect on social media has not given any indication of WHY they want to connect. Just say yes! And somewhere within that x% increase in social media traffic is an opportunity... Right?
The truth is that one of my greatest desires for the new year is to have a stronger handle on connecting more with the relationships that are authentic representations of my Focus, my Purpose and my Perspectives.
Connecting More
In connecting more, I want to identify the list of my most important, meaningful relationships and dedicate regular and specific times to give my best to them. These are the people who are with me when I'm popular and when I'm not. They show up when the room is otherwise empty. They stick with me when I'm a pain and they celebrate me when I'm unwittingly courageous. They are assigned to me (bless their hearts) and I to them. Connecting with them is how I connect with myself.
I want to identify a short list of causes to support with my time, talents and financial resources. My increase in being more fully present means those causes will understand more clearly why I am making a difference for them. I won't just be a line item on their rosters, I will be an inspiration and encouragement for their mission statement.
In connecting more, I am more focused about what's in front of me, and less focused on what is floating around me. I am more purposeful about what I was placed on the earth to accomplish, and my perspectives reinforce what is and what is not important.
Connecting Less
In connecting less, I relinquish the need to sign up for everything. "No", "Not now" and "Not a fit" are statements of liberation, commitment and confidence about what I'm connecting more to.
In connecting less, I'm more patient in my replies. I listen for how the questions and inquiries that enter my life are connected to my Focus, Purpose and Perspective. Connecting less actually helps me do more - more of what matters, to me and those I serve.
In connecting less, I'm relinquishing my tendency to let fear dictate who and what I connect with, what I say no to and how I show up in my professional and personal worlds.
In connecting less, I embrace the reality that not everyone is meant to be connected to everyone. And although it is counterintuitive to what our "smart" lives would tell us, the reality is that I am ok whether or not I have an increase in traffic or not. My success lies in something much more basic.
Technology is a tool, no longer a trap. Connection is a blessing, not a burden. Relationship is energy - both given and received.
Join Me
In connecting more and connecting less, I am a better wife, a better mother, a better daughter, a better friend, a better contributor, a better citizen.
Let's start a movement. Connect with me (and others) more, and connect less. We'll both be better for it.
Love, K-
Karen R. Hilton
The Alice Project, LLC
2015 All Rights Reserved. The Alice Project, LLC
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