Monday, March 10, 2014

Giving Yourself Permission To Say What You Want/Need - Out Loud

As a professional coach for productive women, one of the things I've noticed coming out of the recession is that people are afraid to state what they want, and sometimes what they need - in almost every area of their lives.  After 20+ years helping people connect to and through the organizations for which they work, I have developed a keen ability to identify the resulting angst, active disengagement and hesitation.

What's remarkable is that when I was the one struggling with some difficult choices and unwanted changes in my life, I had a very difficult time saying out loud what I really wanted, let alone what I really needed.  And this is common, with women in particular.

I had all of the external signals of success, but internally I was beyond dissatisfied.  I was under-living my life and moving further and further away from my potential.  And then came coaching.

Coaching is an interactive process, through relationship with a certified professional, where the client is given a safe space to imagine what they want, identify what they need and create strategies that focus on moving forward. One of the core experiences in the coaching process is identifying what is holding the client back. It's a powerful, deeply rewarding experience and became the foundation for creating the life that I now have.

Here's what I learned about giving myself permission to say out loud what I wanted and needed:

- Saying what you want and what you need breaks the chains of fear, and opens the windows of possibility.   Your imagination inhales the sweet breezes of excitement, as the windows of possibility are now wide open to draw in what was previously off limits. For me, my coach gave me permission to say out loud what I really wanted, and then helped me identify - in my own words and in my own way -what I needed. She helped me shift the energy of fear, into a more powerful, positive choice-based energy. She helped me uncover what I was most afraid of and then provided a framework for me to begin making decisions, and helped me move from assumptions to actions.  Then she created a place of accountability, knowing that what I really wanted was to move forward.

- The moment that your imagination kicks into even tepid excitement is actually a point of exploration and if you're ready, a point of decision. Its a point at which the fork in the road reveals itself. Its a moment of power and the choice lies in the hands of the client. Within the coaching process, the client is given a safe space to explore either the actual or virtual paths of his/her journey identified during the coaching relationship. How fast or slow that journey is, is completely in the hands of the client.

As I look back, my coaching experience has been a source of encouragement and grounding whenever I become curious about what moving forward can look like in my life. The answers are always within me, as they are for every woman who invites progress into her life.

So, what's holding you back from saying what you really want or need - out loud? If the barriers to what's next for you were completely removed, what could be possible for you? When you're ready to give yourself permission to move forward, give us a call. The Alice Project can help.

Learn more about individual coaching, organizational consulting or speaking availability.  We invite you to call us today!

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