Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Confidence to Move Forward is Closer Than You Think

The other day I got the most exciting news. I was being recognized for the work I'm doing with The Alice Project. Still in it's infancy to the rest of the world, the reality is it's been brewing in my heart, in my mind and on my computer desktop for years. So to be recognized was unexpected and a huge shot in the arm.

My childlike excitement was hard to contain, so I sought out someone I know and trust to share my good news. Within seconds of sharing I remembered that the surest ground for gaining confidence to move forward lies not with others, but within myself.

From the most practical lens the person said "You're being recognized? For what" You haven't done anything." The years of working, building, dreaming, planning, connecting, designing and writing were externally buried beneath the trimmings of my social media presence, extensive network and consistent community involvement. So while I'm not yet on the Fortune 100, it's reasonable that at least to some, accomplishment is scaled against some pretty enormous benchmarks.  And yet...something I have done is making a difference...

Had this conversation taken place 5 years ago, I would have trickled away to my safety zone - ignoring my gut, going back to a steady job, putting my stacks of post-it note ideas and legal pad business plans in storage and reciting another person's dream at some company staff meeting.

Instead, this conversation reinforced the passion that I have to help women discover Focus, Purpose and Perspective. Without those three things women, with all their differences and nuances will share a common tendency to rely on some of the external safety nets that often stifle innovation, creativity, courage, commitment and risk-taking.

That's not to say I never experience fear. I do. And sometimes, folks, it gets ugly. But so what. Fear is a spirit that takes the permission that it's given as fuel to press on. Every woman has resources and options. But the most important resource is her own sense of value and worth. When we discover that, we incapacitate fear's ability to silence our dreams, aspirations, goals, desires and fortitude.

The person who unwittingly declared their beliefs about what I had not accomplished (whom I love and respect) held no power over me or my dream - because I didn't given them any. It wasn't a big dramatic event; it was a learning opportunity.  The comment, though lacking sensitivity, was not designed to harm me; it was simply misinformed. I found power and wisdom in the moment and decided to use the experience as a tool to educate the very people that I serve.

I haven't always been that strong. And I may get weak in the knees at some point in the future. But I know what my Focus is, I'm deeply in touch with my Purpose and my Perspective is razor sharp.

What about you? Who are you giving your power to? What have you given up, for the sake of avoiding the hard work of following your gut?

The Alice Project's mission is to help productive women discover Focus, Purpose and Perspective. When you're ready to explore what trusting your gut looks like, The Alice Project can help. Call us today to learn more about coaching, organizational development offerings or keynote speaking opportunities!


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